Processing RAP data in Google Earth Engine

Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a geospatial processing service powered by the Google Cloud Platform. RAP data are accessible within GEE in the following image collections:

RAP data products:

  • Vegetation cover: projects/rap-data-365417/assets/vegetation-cover-v3
  • Annual net primary production: projects/rap-data-365417/assets/npp-partitioned-v3
  • 16-day net primary production: projects/rap-data-365417/assets/npp-partitioned-16day-v3
  • Provisional 16-day net primary production: projects/rap-data-365417/assets/npp-partitioned-16day-v3-provisional

Below we provide simple scripts for common requests, e.g., exporting raster data. These scripts and the corresponding documentation were written for novice GEE users, so no need to flee at the sight of the coding language. 

While we do not have the capacity to provide support for detailed RAP analysis in GEE, there are numerous online resources available.

You will need to create a GEE account prior to exporting data.  Create your account here.

RAP GEE Scripts

Export raster data

Export time-series data as CSV for multiple regions of interest