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Welcome to the Rangeland Analysis Platform!

The Rangeland Analysis Platform ( is a free online application that provides simple and fast access to geospatial vegetation data for U.S. rangelands. The tool was developed to provide landowners, resource managers, conservationists, and scientists access to data that can inform land management planning, decision making, and the evaluation of outcomes. The Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP) uses innovative cloud computing technology to provide maps and analysis opportunities straight to your desktop, delivered securely and instantaneously.

The maps and data provided by RAP are intended to be used alongside local knowledge and site-specific data to inform management actions that improve rangelands and wildlife habitat. 

We recommend that you read Guiding principles for using satellite-derived maps in rangeland monitoring for more information.

RAP should not be used in isolation:

  • to quantify rangeland resources
  • to determine or define thresholds
  • to evaluate the efficacy of management practices or treatments

Such analysis or evaluation should be conducted in concert with information specific to the area under investigation, including past management practices, treatments, conservation efforts, and anthropogenic or natural disturbances.  

Have agency-specific questions? Contact the Agency Points of Contact.